
If you are a self-proclaimed worrywart, or tend to perspire when a deadline looms, or even have trouble finding your way to restful sleep because your mind is racing- You are not alone. A little worry or stress in life is unavoidable and can be constructive to help you focus on a difficult task. It is when your stress infringes on your daily life that it becomes a problem and can have long term damaging effects on your mental and physical health. That is where this blog comes in! Here we will tackle stress topics that will empower you to lead a healthier, happier and longer life. You are in the driver’s seat. We will give you the tools to help you make better choices and take control of your stress. The Daily Life blogs are written by a variety of contributors all who are either Fellows or Diplomates of AIS or are AIS certified in some capacity. Hopefully these blogs will get you thinking and will help you to relax, refocus and take life easier. Please leave a comment to let us know what you think or engage in one of our various forums. Share your experiences and opinions! Join AIS in our mission to Engage, Educate and Empower!


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