Mismatched: Your Brain Under Stress is a 6-part documentary featuring some of the world’s leading experts on stress. Their collective experience stretches from the first experiments done on the mind/body connection to the latest research into unravelling the unconscious mind. As entertaining as it is informative, Mismatched teaches us about what stress is and how to master it.

Purchase and watch Mismatched today for just $20.00 or become a member of The American Institute of Stress for $95 and get Mismatched viewing access for FREE, along with The Body Electric: a documentary film to revolutionize the way we think about the human body, recorded webinars with the industry’s leading stress researchers and practitioners, A Personal Appraisal of Hans Selye and the Origin and Evolution of the American Institute of Stress ebook, and many more member benefits!

Members, click here to watch for free.

Individual Viewing  $20.00

Public Performance Rights – Perpetual License
Public School, Veteran and Community Group Viewing. These institutional packages include Lesson Plans and Quizzes.  $250.00

College and Corporate Viewing
These institutional packages include Lesson Plans and Quizzes.  $500.00