The American Institute of Stress Certified Products

The companies and products listed below have met the rigid scientific standards of The American Institute of Stress and have been recognized as certified Products. Evaluations are based on the quality and amount of research submitted supporting the product or service, efficacy, ease of use, durability and customer service. Those outcomes are weighed against product/service claims and marketing. The AIS Seal and credentials inform the public that the certificate holder commands advanced knowledge of the latest stress research and stress management techniques.

Patient in a Therapy Session

Decrease stress and boost your happiness, in just 15 – 20 minutes a day for 21 days with this comprehensive 21 module online educational program in the practice of stress management. The American Institute of Stress has extensively evaluated several outstanding courses and found this to be one of the best comprehensive online educational programs at a great value for understanding and managing your stress. This is a multimodality course using videos, audios and workbooks that takes you step-by-step on a journey of transformation, using real world case studies and stories.

The SMQ is a valid and reliable stress “risk” assessment tool that can be adapted to any stress management or wellness program. The SMQ was created using standard psychometric test development methodology and subsequently validated through a rigorous year-long study supported by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (N.I.O.S.H.). It is one of only a few scientifically developed stress risk assessment tools currently available and is recognized as the “gold standard” for use in stress management training, coaching and personal self-development programs.

Alpha-Stim is a handheld medical device that relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It uses a mild, subsensory patented microcurrent applied through small earclips and treatments are done at home in as little as 20 minutes. Its therapeutic abilities have been acclaimed by healthcare professionals and patients worldwide and effectiveness has been repeatedly verified through more clinical studies than with any other device in its class. In fact, there have been more than 100 clinical studies over the past 38 years proving it fast, safe and effective with no lasting side effects and no risk of addiction.

In just 15 minutes, the Rosch Stress Profiler will show you how well you are coping in ten key areas of your life including: anger, worry, fear, financial stress and time pressure. In addition, the RSP will show you how well you are doing with stress symptoms, stress outlets, social support and overall resilience. Armed with a better understanding of your stress strengths and weaknesses, you can begin to make immediate changes in your weak areas, while relying more on your strengths to start living a healthier lifestyle, today.

Since 1977 BainUltra has been manufacturing therapeutic bathtubs with Hydro-Thermo Massage (the unique combination of air, water and heat). The original concept was engineered with the help of an osteopath seeking new ways of helping his patients.

Customers have found that BainUltra bathtubs contribute to improving relaxation, health and well-being on a number of physical, mental and emotional levels.

An American Institute of Stress Certified Course in meditation and more, the Nuuaria Method includes 6 modules, 28 lessons, 60+ page downloadable workbook, and 6 one-to-one telephonic sessions with a Nuuaria mentor over three months. Thinking is the cause. Behavior is only the symptom. Behavior change, therefore, is only symptom treatment. The Nuuaria Method teaches you how to think differently. The Nuuaria Method works for: Weight Loss, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Chronic Pain and Illness, and Corporate/ Enterprise Wellness.

These courses are available through a partnership with MUIH Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) and are certified by The American Institute of Stress. PCE provides advanced, superior quality, skills-based offerings leading to relevant credentials and real-world application. As a PCE learner, you can quickly expand your knowledge and distinguish yourself as a leader in your field. Additionally, various professional organizations and boards may accept these courses for continuing education requirements.

A free self-care app called “SameHere Scale” for you to track and monitor your mental health with a science-backed, proprietary mood meter, as well as “Gym for the Brain” exercises to take more control of your own healing!

The nervous system is always shifting. Our mood meter app helps you track those shifts, and identify your emotional states, to better understand how to manage and heal from the stress and trauma we all experience at various times in our lives.

Become a Member of The American Institute of Stress

Membership in The American Institute of Stress distinguishes healthcare professionals and qualified individuals in stress-related fields as experts in cutting-edge, scientifically grounded stress sciences and the most recent and most effective stress management techniques.