Transforming Stress to Joy Online Course

An American Institute of Stress certified comprehensive 21 module online educational program in the practice of stress management.

Decrease stress and boost your happiness, in just 15 – 20 minutes a day for 21 days.

The American Institute of Stress has extensively evaluated several outstanding courses and found this to be one of the best comprehensive online educational programs at a great value for understanding and managing your stress. The Stress to Joy program was developed and is taught by bestselling author, Professor Rozina Lakhani, MD, MPH, FAIS, a board certified psychiatrist with a masters degree in public health, who has extensive experience in teaching stress management.

This is a multimodality course using videos, audios and workbooks that takes you step-by-step on a journey of transformation, using real world case studies and stories.

While evaluating Transforming Stress to Joy AIS president Dr. Daniel L. Kirsch met with Dr. Rozina, as she prefers to be called, and asked her why she developed this course. Dr. Rozina said her goal is to help 1,000,000 people avoid having to become her patients. This is precisely the mission of The American Institute of Stress; to help millions of people recognize their stressors and how they react to them so they can reshape their psychophysiological responses to avoid maintaining a constant state of arousal. Or in plain English, to stop making mountains out of molehills. We know that stress is a causative factor in many, if not most diseases, and a contributing factor to all. Dr. Rozina can help you avoid or postpone sickness by teaching you to evaluate and change the way you see things, and how you react to them. She will walk you through what stress is and how to change the outcome to lead a more peaceful, even joyous life by investing just 15-20 minutes a day for 3 weeks.

As a psychiatrist and mom who works with busy patients, Dr Rozina developed strategies for her patients and herself that are powerful and most of all practical for busy people.

With almost two decades of research and experience, she has combined the most effective, simple, and quick ways to reprogram your responses to stress that don’t require you to completely change your lifestyle.

And this course doesn’t just stop at showing you how to boost your resilience to manage challenges without feeling stressed. Stress to Joy shows you how to develop habits that will enhance your happiness and bring you joy.

By taking this course you will:

About Rozina Lakhani, MD, MPH, FAIS

Dr. Rozina Lakhani’s mission is to promote optimum health and happiness. She is a #1 bestselling author, transformational speaker and a psychiatrist.

She works as a specialist in the treatment of severe depression and anxiety at Shifa Health, a clinical professor at the University of Washington and Medical Director at Residence XII Women Drug Treatment Program. Dr. Rozina received her medical degree from the Aga Khan University in Pakistan and completed her Master of Public Health degree and her residency in psychiatry at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

She is a Fellow of American Institute of Stress and a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Today, Dr. Rozina lives with her husband and 2 children in the Pacific Northwest. She is passionate about helping people reduce stress and dreams of a world where people pursue a happy life with love and purpose.

What is in the Course?


Learn the basic steps and learn how to manage what is ailing you on the inside


Learn how to minimize stress symptoms like tension, overwhelm, worry, irritability, insomnia, and emotional eating


Learn how to maximize your joy by building 7 key happiness habits.

Some comments from Stress to Joy graduates:

“If you’re stressed, worried or worn out, take Dr. Rozina’s 21-Day video course. She’ll teach you how to move from stress to joy with easy step-by-step solutions. Start each day with one of her brief videos. Listen, learn, and use each lesson to unwind. Then download the helpful worksheets and practice the changes you need. If you’re like me, you’ll love her clear approach to becoming a more relaxed and happier person.  Thank you, Dr. Rozina!” — JT

“Dr. Rozina’s Stress to Joy course is an awesome starting point for systematically eliminating overwhelm in your life! She shares some great fundamental ideas, models and concepts to help you to rewire your brain for happiness first. The toolbox presented in this course is practical and you can begin implementing it into your daily life immediately. Her positive energy came though the video modules as a pleasant surprise every day throughout the course. I’m looking forward to the next one!” — SM

“Thank you, Dr. Rozina, for helping me balance my emotional bank account!  As a registered nurse and student, I’m no stranger to stress. Your online course has made me rethink about how I react to stressful situations.  With heart and humor you’ve shown me how to relax, sleep better, prioritize amid seemingly overwhelming choices, and let go of what I can’t control. Little by little I’m developing a “wise mind” to act more in line with my life’s purpose. These teachings require practice, but already I’m living more mindfully, self-aware, and reflecting love in my relationships.  May you always be happy and grateful.” — KD