Brain Heart Donation

The American Institute of Stress helps people learn to manage their stress every single day. We help veterans returning from war find a sense of normalcy again. We help students who are stressed about exams, busy schedules and bullies reach their fullest potential. And we help people like you deal with whatever life throws at you! With your ongoing support, we will continue to be there providing people with relief for today and hope for tomorrow.

Giving embraces the selfless ideals of providing for another. The American Institute of Stress offers a variety of ways to give to the Institute. Please consider making a gift.

Contact the Developement Coordinator at [email protected]  to discuss your gift.

What does your gift support?

The American Institute of Stress (AIS) is a non-profit organization with global impact. AIS was founded in 1978, at the request of Dr. Hans Selye to serve as a clearing house of all stress related information.  Today, AIS provides a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual discovery, creates and transmits innovative knowledge, improves human health, and provides leadership to the world on stress related topics.  The Fellows of AIS are dedicated to empowering communities by strengthening individuals.  Through a wide array of programs and partnerships, AIS works in the following four areas:


Military Programs We produce and disperse printed materials, DVD’s and CD’s as well as podcasts and webcasts hosted through our website (and will soon provide live, in-person training classes and workshops as well) all targeted at serving the needs of veterans, service members and their families as they try desperately to live a “normal” life coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Families with military members face unique challenges.  The deployment and return of a spouse, parent, son, daughter or other relative causes trememdous stress,emotional turmoil and financial pressures on families.  Your funds support our efforts to produce  highly effective non-pharmecutiacal therapies, learning retreats and resources to empower our military familes with tools, techniques and knowledge to help ease their suffering.   


Stress-Less Schools ProgramWe provide student/educator Empowerment Training through a variety of services and programs.  Our schools have become “pressure cookers” with rising stress levels that endanger the health and lives of students and educators.  Bullying has become the number one source of stress for students, followed by acedemic pressure to perform, pressures of overscheduling/ lack of free time and absorbing financial worries from home.  Educators are overworked and underpaid as they struggle to engage their stressed out students and help them rise to meet standardized academic standards.   Your funds support programs that teach stress management techniques in ways that students can relate to and encorporate into their daily activities. 


 Horizon Program We support scientists and researchers working to unlock the secrets of expanding human potential.  We are dedicated to exploring who we are and discussing various concepts of dimensionality, intentionality and concepts of reality. We support and encourage cutting edge theories and experiments from the world’s leading experts on life, the universe and everything in between! Through our Horizons Program we seek to dive deeper into who we really are and what we are learning about the effect of our lives beyond our physical bodies and what part of the puzzle of the universe we fit into. We have opened a Horizons section in our Learning Center where we house videos and lectures presented on various theories that sparked our interest.  It is in this section, that we will post lectures and reports from our Horizons track at our Annual Stress Congress. Your funds support the research onducted by the world’s brightest minds allowing us all to expand our Horizons!