Connecting  Stress with the Immune System

Contentment Magazine: Fall 2023
Volume 12, Number 3


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Editor’s Message
By Stephanie Maxine Ross, PhD, MHD, HT, CNC, FAIS

The Immune System-Stress Connection — Use It to Thrive!
By Cynthia Ackrill, MD, PCC, FAIS

It’s time to pay attention to the wisdom of the whole and embrace the impressive powers we have to support our best functioning and overall health… Now the science is catching up to our wisdom and giving us solid proof that we can make choices and create thought and behavior habits that help our minds and bodies thrive

 The Stress-Cancer Connection
By Brandon LaGreca, Lac, MAcOM

Does stress cause or promote cancer, and if so, can the stress response be influenced to prevent or help treat malignancy? To answer these questions requires a firm grasp of the science placed within the context of the many factors that contribute to cancer formation.

Connecting Gut Microbiota, Stress and the Immune System
By Stephanie Maxine Ross PhD, MHD, HT, CNC, FAIS

The gut microbiota is essential for health and has multiple, critical consequences for metabolic and physiological processes from early postnatal development, to nutrient processing, to immune system development, to normal health, brain function, and behavior. Research has shown that the GI microbiota has a major influence on cognitive function and basic behavioral patterns, stress, neuroinflammation, and the immune system.

Guided Imagery: An Evidence-Based Approach for Cancer Immune Function – Exploring the Potential of the Infinite Holistic Image Model
By Marcia Uddoh, MD (candidate), PhD, MPH, MS, MSW, FAIS

It is believed that an image can be used in guided imagery to induce healing on its own as long as it is capable of evoking vivid imagery. Furthermore, researchers have discovered that the image alone can have a similar positive impact on the immune system. By exploring the relationship between Guided imagery and neuroaesthetics, we can uncover valuable insights into how images and artworks can be utilized to enhance the healing process and positively influence the immune system.


Editor In Chief

Daniel L. Kirsch, PhD, DAAPM, FAIS
AIS President


Stephanie Maxine Ross, PhD, MHD, HT, CNC, FAIS

Contributing Editors Board

Richard Citrin, PhD, MBA
Alex Bekker, MD, ABHIM, FAIS
Teena Evert, MA
Rozina Lakhani, MD, MPH
Ron Rubenzer, EdD, MA, MPH, MSE, FAIS
James C. Petersen, PhD, FAIS
Jacinta M. Jiménez, PsyD, BCC, FAIS

Managing Editor

Kathy Schoop

Creative Director

Michael McMahon

Daily Life and Workplace Stress Board

The role of this board is to develop initiatives and communications to serve the stress management needs of all people.

Josh Briley, PhD, FAIS, Science and Education Director, EPI, Inc., Former Clinical Psychologist, VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic, Brownwood, Texas

Heidi Hanna, PhD, FAIS, Brain Fitness Researcher, Instructor, Harvard Extension

William C. Heckman, MS, NBCT, DAIS, Board Certified Educator, Executive Director, The American Institute of Stress

Andrew Pleener, MD, FAIS, Psychiatrist, Founder of the #SameHere STARR & Psych Alliances

Sharon Montes, MD, FAIS, Founder, Living Well Whole Health, Former Medical Director for the University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine


Contentment Magazine

The mission of the nonprofit American Institute of Stress is to improve the health of our community and the world by setting the standard of excellence of stress management in education, research, clinical care and the workplace. Diverse and inclusive, AIS educates healthcare practitioners, scientists, and the public. AIS is the only Institute in America solely dedicated to providing information, training and techniques to prevent and reverse human disorders related to stress, and to improve the quality of life and increase longevity through building resilience to stress. Credentialed AIS members provide leadership to the world on stress related topics.

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Contentment Magazine

The dictionary defines “content” as being in a state of peaceful happiness.  The AIS magazine is called Contentment because we want all of our guests and members to find contentment in their lives by learning about stress management and finding what works best for each them.  Stress is unavoidable, and comes in many shapes and sizes that makes being in a state of peaceful happiness seem like a very lofty goal.  But happiness is easy to find once you are able to find ways to manage your stress and keep a healthy perspective when going though difficult times in life.  You will always have stress, but stress does not always have you!

Subscribe to our FREE magazines and begin your journey to a happier, healthier and longer life!



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